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Consultations and Partnerships

We partner with Auckland Council and other ​organisations in order to amplify youth voice, and enable members of our network to understand what's happening Tāmaki Makaurau and have a say on the future of the city they live in. This includes running election forums for local elections and delivering workshops on how to submit on consultations.

Image by Matthew Illing

Local Elections Partnership

In 2019 and 2022, we and our members worked with Auckland Council to educate rangatahi about how local elections work, and provide resources and a platform on how people can learn about the candidates. 

The Recruit campaign was run in 2019 by the Auckland Youth Voice Network members from five Youth Voice Groups across Tāmaki Makaurau. It saw a youth-oriented candidates' debate with 10 mayoral candidates and hundreds of youth in attendance, and a series of infographics explaining initiatives in Auckland at the time.

In 2022, a successful informative social media campaign was launched to inform rangatahi about how the elections work and how they can be informed and vote. The campaign reached over 2,400 views and 350 engagements.

Recruit Your Mayor (61).jpg

Image by Matthew Illing

Designed by Isabel Li

2022 Campaign

Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 13.47.54.png

Annual Budget Consultations

With the support of Auckland Council, we have made it more accessible for rangatahi to provide feedback on the Annual Budget Consultation for the past couple of years. This includes creating resources for youth to understand the proposals with better context, explaining how the proposals can affect them and their whānau, and running workshops with groups to walk them through the submission process. 

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